
database for big data

Greenplum Summit Preview: Run Greenplum Your Way

Why is Greenplum so popular? A few factors leap to mind: It’s backed by a thriving open source community Massively parallel data analytics performance Multi-cloud, Infrastructure-native support This third item is the focus of our first set of talks at Greenplum Summit (sign-up here). We wanted to preview

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Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum

Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum Business Problem At Pivotal we get to work with many customers who are looking to adopt an agile approach to how they develop and deploy applications.  For applications, this is done by utilizing continuous integration with products like Pivotal Cloud

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Happy Holidays Greenplum Community

It’s been more than 10 years since my first involvement in the Greenplum Data Platform and rarely a day goes by that a colleague, a customer, a competitor, or most importantly a user – reminds me why it was a great decision then and an even better decision

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Greenplum Filespaces and Tablespaces

Greenplum is a fast, flexible, software-only analytics data processing engine that has the tools and features needed to make extensive use of any number of hardware or virtual environments that can be used for cluster deployment. One of those features discussed here is the use of file spaces

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Greenplum 6, Devevelopment Updates, Jan 2018

Greenplum v5 launched in September 2017 and the Greenplum developers have been hard at work since then on the next major version, V6, Code Name Mars, which is slated to release September 2018. In this post I will provide some high level updates on new developments on the

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