Massively Parallel Database
for Analytics
A platform for analytics, machine learning and AI
All The Reasons to Choose Greenplum
Rapidly create and deploy models for complex applications in cybersecurity, predictive maintenance, risk management, fraud detection, and many other areas.
Data Sovereignty
Deploy Anywhere
Greenplum provides you with more control over the software you deploy, supporting bare metal, virtualized environments or the cloud of your choice.
Power at Scale
Petabyte-Scale Data Volumes
With its unique cost-based query optimizer designed for large-scale data workloads, Greenplum scales interactive and batch-mode analytics to large datasets in the petabytes without degrading query performance and throughput.
From BI to AI
All-in-One Environment
Greenplum reduces data silos by providing you with a single, scale-out environment for converging analytic and operational workloads, like streaming ingestion.
Integrated Analytics
Multiple Types of Data
Diverse data types on a single platform (structured, semi-structured, unstructured, vector, or geospatialor graph) wherever the data is located.
Top Features of Greenplum Database®
MPP Architecture
All major Greenplum contributions share the same database core, including the MPP architecture, analytical interfaces, and security capabilities.
Federated Data Access
Query external data sources with the Greenplum optimizer and query processing engine, including Hadoop, Cloud Storage, ORC, AVRO, Parquet and other Polyglot data stores.
Polymorphic Data Storage
Fully control the configuration for your table and partition storage, execution, and compression. You can choose row or column-oriented storage and processing for any table or partition.
Integrated In-Database Analytics
Tackle data science from experimentation to massive deployment with Apache MADlib, a library of in-cluster machine learning functions for the PostgreSQL family of databases.
Innovation in Query Optimization
A proven cost-based query optimizer than can scale interactive and batch mode analytics of large datasets in the petabytes without degrading query performance and throughput.
Additional Greenplum Features
Easy Handling of Streaming Data
Get fast event processing and integrate cloud data by querying Amazon S3 objects in place. VMware Greenplum includes Kafka integration certified by Confluent.
Security and Disaster Recovery
Address regulatory requirements with security and authentication features, plus high availability, intelligent fault detection, backup and disaster recovery.
VMware-Certified Blueprint
Use Dell Greenplum Reference Architecture for optimal on-premises deployment. Or use HP- or Cisco-certified configurations or your own commodity hardware.
Autovacuum Tuning in GPDB7
Authors | Kevin Yeap & Brent Doil Autovacuum Tuning in GPDB7 GPDB7 comes with autovacuum (AV)...
gpsupport: Support Utility for VMware Greenplum
Author | Nihal Jain Troubleshooting and identifying supportability issues in a complex database system can be...