
Greenplum Database

VMware Tanzu Greenplum on Public Cloud

We run EVERYWHERE! VMware Tanzu Greenplum is a commercial fully featured Massively Parallel Processing(MPP) Data Warehouse platform powered by the open-source Greenplum Database. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte-scale data volumes. Uniquely geared toward big data analytics, VMware Tanzu Greenplum has the world’s most advanced cost-based

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Using Greenplum to access Minio

Pivotal Greenplum Database® (GPDB) is an advanced, fully featured, open source data warehouse. GPDB provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes. Greenplum 5.17.0 brings support to access highly-scalable cloud object storage systems such as Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. Minio

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Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum

Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum Business Problem At Pivotal we get to work with many customers who are looking to adopt an agile approach to how they develop and deploy applications.  For applications, this is done by utilizing continuous integration with products like Pivotal Cloud

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Greenplum Filespaces and Tablespaces

Greenplum is a fast, flexible, software-only analytics data processing engine that has the tools and features needed to make extensive use of any number of hardware or virtual environments that can be used for cluster deployment. One of those features discussed here is the use of file spaces

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Greenplum 6, Devevelopment Updates, Jan 2018

Greenplum v5 launched in September 2017 and the Greenplum developers have been hard at work since then on the next major version, V6, Code Name Mars, which is slated to release September 2018. In this post I will provide some high level updates on new developments on the

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Meetup: Introducing Greenplum 5.0

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 6:00 PM PST Pivotal 875 Howard St., 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA (map) Greenplum 5.0 is a commercially available and open source Data Warehouse. This is the next milestone for the Greenplum community since Greenplum was officially open sourced in October of 2015.

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Going Beyond Structured Data with Pivotal Greenplum

When you think about data in a relational data management system, you think of a structured data model organized in rows and columns that fit neatly into a table. While relational databases excel at managing structured data, their rigidity often causes headaches for organizations with diverse forms of data.

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