

VMware Tanzu Greenplum on Public Cloud

We run EVERYWHERE! VMware Tanzu Greenplum is a commercial fully featured Massively Parallel Processing(MPP) Data Warehouse platform powered by the open-source Greenplum Database. It provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte-scale data volumes. Uniquely geared toward big data analytics, VMware Tanzu Greenplum has the world’s most advanced cost-based

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Picking Possible Instance Types on Cloud

Intro VMware Tanzu Greenplum runs anywhere.  The same software runs on-premise or in the cloud.  However, the commercial clouds have similar but unique characteristics that make optimizing the performance of Greenplum also similar but unique to each cloud.   Over the past 2+ years, VMware Tanzu has developed

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Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum

Enabling Agile Data Analysis with AWS and Greenplum Business Problem At Pivotal we get to work with many customers who are looking to adopt an agile approach to how they develop and deploy applications.  For applications, this is done by utilizing continuous integration with products like Pivotal Cloud

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Self-Healing Greenplum – The Doctor Is Always In

Analytics On IaaS Must Think Differently Than It’s On Premise Implementations We have always maintained that having a data platform that is portable is not only one of the key differentiators of Greenplum, but should be a core functional requirement on anyone’s roadmap for how to best architect

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