

Cloudifying Enterprise Data Analytics with VMware Tanzu Greenplum and Cloudian Object Storage

by Amit Rawlani, Director Technology Alliances & Solutions, Cloudianwith technical assistance from Gang Yan, Sr. Product Manager, VMware Enterprise data analytics architectures based on traditional data warehouse platforms–running on appliances and/or traditional storage infrastructure solutions–cannot keep up with the scale, speed, or efficiency required by dynamic enterprises. They can also get

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PXF – Introducing support for reading the Avro Logical Types

AVRO: Apache AVRO is a data serialization system which provides Rich data structures. A compact, fast, binary data format. A container file, to store persistent data. Remote procedure call (RPC). Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to

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Using Greenplum to access Minio

Pivotal Greenplum Database® (GPDB) is an advanced, fully featured, open source data warehouse. GPDB provides powerful and rapid analytics on petabyte scale data volumes. Greenplum 5.17.0 brings support to access highly-scalable cloud object storage systems such as Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. Minio

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Some Bits on PXF Plugins

“Occasionally it becomes desirable and necessary…to make real what currently is merely imaginary” By Kyle Dunn If you’ve not heard already, Pivotal eXtensible Framework, or PXF (for those of you with leftover letters in your alphabet soup), is a unified (and parallel) means of accessing a variety of

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