

Commonly tuned parameters in GP7

Frequently tuned Greenplum parameters: Please find below the list of most commonly used Greenplum parameters.  Tuning these parameters can assist with the efficient memory management, performance tuning, resource and connection management of your Greenplum database. Please test these parameter changes on Dev or QA environments before implementing them

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20 Examples of Greenplum 7 Partition Commands

Author | David Kimura Greenplum Database is a massively parallel processing (MPP) database designed for handling large-scale data warehousing and analytics workloads. One of its key features is the ability to partition tables, which helps improve query performance, manage data distribution, and enhance data organization. In this blog

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ALTER TABLE in Greenplum 7: Avoiding Table Rewrite

Author | Huasong Fu The ALTER TABLE commands are commonly used for operations like adding columns, changing the column data type, and many more. In many cases, such commands require the whole table to be rewritten while holding an exclusive lock on the table. For large tables this can

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Progress Reporting Views in Greenplum 7

Authors | Alexandra Wang & Marbin Tan Greenplum 7 provides progress reporting for certain commands during their execution. The commands include ANALYZE, CLUSTER, CREATE INDEX, VACUUM, COPY and BASE_BACKUP.The support for progress reporting in Greenplum 7 is on par with Postgres 15. Therefore the pg_stat_progress_% system views in Postgres 15

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Generated Columns in Greenplum 7

Authors: Ashwin Agrawal, Divya Bhargov, Kristine Scott Greenplum 7 brings in the STORED generated columns feature from Postgres 12. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at stored generated columns and explore their benefits and use cases. Generated columns are useful for cases where the calculated

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Partition in Greenplum 7: Recursion and Inheritance

The partition hierarchy is often large and complex, and many times need hybrid table properties among different partitions. It is important to understand the recursion behavior in order to get the right partition paradigm that one would like it to be. Similar to our previous blog, this blog is

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Partition in Greenplum 7: What’s New

(Co-authored by Alexandra Wang) Greenplum 7 is a huge milestone for partitioned tables. Besides several improvements and fixes, this is the first Greenplum version that will be aligned with partitioned tables from PostgreSQL world. A little background: before PostgreSQL 10, table partitioning could be done in very limited

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GPDB7: Clustering AO/CO tables

In addition to heap tables, starting from GPDB 7, AO/CO tables can also be clustered. Motivation CLUSTER, in general, ensures that the blocks of a table are physically ordered by the column(s) belonging to a supplied index. It has a direct benefit for tables which loaded in an

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GPDB7: ALTER your table’s storage

Introduction We are introducing a capability to alter the storage characteristics of an already populated table with the ALTER TABLE command in GPDB 7. This means that users can now go from a heap table to an AO or AOCO table (or any manner of combinations of the

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GPDB7: Unique indexes for AO/CO tables

Introduction Unique constraints are a classic relational database feature that ensures uniqueness of a column or a group of columns at data ingress time or at index build time. They can be specified with the UNIQUE / PRIMARY KEY keywords. Unique indexes are the entities that power them.

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