

Greenplum Backups To S3

Recently I had the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to use Amazon S3 as the landing spot for backups of Greenplum. I thought that the steps involved in creating incremental backups of Greenplum to S3 would be of interest to many. Greenplum backups can be performed to any

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Procedure for Backup methods in Greenplum Database

Purpose of the Document Procedure for Greenplum Database Backup on any DB versions of Greenplum. Procedure ================================================================ Checking Disk Space Usage ================================================================ Before taking a backup of each schema’s just check the DB size of each schema from Greenplum database. Login in to server as a root user.

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Introducing gpbackup & gprestore

Earlier this year the Greenplum team embarked down the path to create the next generation backup and restore tooling for the Greenplum Database.   After conducting dozens of customer interviews and reviewing a long list of enhancement requests, two overarching themes emerged:   Performance User Experience   

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