Building your own GPDB open source docker

Building your own GPDB open source docker

Most users want to start using Greenplum to generate analytics but facing users frictions such as limited access to physical machines and  technical knowledge to setup and install Greenplum.  The purpose of this blog is to make it easier, so that users can quickly start using Greenplum.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create and customize your own Greenplum Open Source docker image.


How to get started

    1. Download the examples from this github repository by running git clone
    2. Next, you can change directory this folder by running cd greenplum-oss-docker/gpdb
    3. Start building this docker file by running this command ./
    4. You can verify docker images on your local machine by running this command ‘docker images’. It shows the list of docker images that are available on your machine.


How to run the GPDB open source docker

You can start using the script or execute this command in your command shell

`$ docker run -it –hostname=gpdbsne \
–name gpdb5oss \
–publish 5432:5432 \
–publish 88:22 \
–volume `pwd`:/code \
kochanpivotal/gpdb5oss bin/bash`



In summary, you can use this prebuilt docker image so you can start using Greenplum for demo or testing purpose. For more complex use cases and deployment, you can use this example as a reference and modify the configuration for your specific purpose. You can start playing greenplum and using Greenplum tutorial


Github repo for this example

GPDB OSS Hub docker